5 Interesting Historical Facts about Miller’s

Here are five interesting things that will tell you a little more about our history…

If you’ve ever been confused about what time it is in our store filled with timepieces, you can always rely on this clock behind the bench. We were fortunate when many years ago a gentleman brought it to us and said “I think this belongs here.” A.Q. Lundman was the third owner of the business and his title of Jeweler and Music Dealer reflects the diverse mix of services and products carried through the years.

The wood floor beneath your feet when you first step in our building are the original planks and footprint of the business from when it first opened in 1892. However, they spent countless years covered in carpet and tile. When the floor was uncovered and refinished in 2011, we added a few fun tokens in the cracks including this penny from 1892. Have you noticed any of the other tiny treasures in the floor?

Part of our building that few have seen, has nonetheless played an important role in the business. All three owners of Miller’s Jewelry have called the apartment upstairs home at one point in their life. Gotta love the short commute!

Reinforced by support beams in the basement, our 4,000+ lb. safe arrived via train from St. Paul, Minnesota. Used on a daily basis by its handful of owners, it has witnessed many changes in the building while not having moved an inch in over 100 years.

We are proud of the fact that in-house, hands on repair has been a staple of our business throughout its entire history. While much of our business has changed and adapted with technology, there are still many things done with simple hand tools by our skilled bench jewelers every day.SaveSave