An Ultra Violet Year

Every year PANTONE® – the definitive voice in color for designers, and industries of beauty and style – choses a Color of the Year. Color can carry meaning, convey messages, inspire and influence. The chosen hue is meant to provide direction in the world of design but also for a much broader audience. The Color of the Year 2018 is Ultra Violet (18-3838). According to PANTONE®, Ultra Violet communicates originality and is meant to remind us that we are living in a time of inventiveness and imagination.

One of very few stones with a purple hue is amethyst, a form of quartz. It is found across world, with the majority coming from Greece, Italy, the Middle East and Northern Africa. It has long been considered a royal color, and has been in demand and highly valued throughout history. We just think it’s beautiful, and many agree. We have various amethyst pieces in the store. A custom design with an amethyst stone that you hand pick might be the most fun!

We can’t help but mention that we also think Ultra Violet happens to be the perfect choice for Color of the Year, as our beloved Minnesota Vikings make a run for Super Bowl LLI! Go Vikes!